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 6 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Adachi Ginko"Advanced Search
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Telegram from Korea (Chosen denpo), 1894. Creator: Adachi Ginko.
The Beginning of the Korean Incident (Sono hajime Chosen hottan), 1894. Creator: Adachi Ginko.
Kabayama, the Chief of Naval Staff, Attacking Enemy Ships from onboard Saikyomaru..., 1894. Creator: Adachi Ginko.
Lieutenant Commander Sakakibara Fighting Bravely to the South of Ximucheng..., 1895. Creator: Adachi Ginko.
View of the Issuance of the State Constitution in the State Chamber of..., March 2, 1889 (Meiji 22). Creator: Adachi Ginko.
Kabuki Performance Featuring Red Indians and Kubuki Actors, late 19th century.. Creator: Adachi Ginko.